2017年12月20日 星期三

Bright Nights at Stanley Park

Bright Nights at Stanley Park (2017/12/20)
日期2017/11/30-2018/1/6 from 3 until 10 pm
地點690 Pipeline Road, Vancouver, BC
費用:自發性捐款予BC Professional Fire Fighters Burn Fund

Bright Nights聖誕燈飾展自1997 年起在溫哥華的Stanley Park 舉行,至今已成為加拿大西岸最大和最著名的戶外聖誕燈飾展之一。每年十二月Bright Nights聖誕燈飾展都為寒冷和黑暗的溫哥華晚上燃點起數十萬個聖誕燈飾及展示數以百計的聖誕人物造型,讓市民和子女家人都能歡度這個普天同慶的佳節。

Stanley Park has pay parking throughout the year, but during Bright Nights all parking in the immediate area and specific overflow lots is free. This includes parking at the Stanley Park Info Booth, at lots along North Pipeline Road and at the Beaver Lake parking lot.

Note: Parking lots at the Vancouver Aquarium and in other areas still require payment. Also, immediate onsite parking is free during the operating hours of the Stanley Park Train and in the above-mentioned overflow lots daily after 3 pm.

