2014年12月25日 星期四

溫哥華聖誕節燈飾 2014

地點:6728 Grant Place, Burnaby , BC
亮燈時間:121日至新年11 5:30pm-11pm (週末5pm-12pm)

地點:950 Kensington Ave., Burnaby, BC
介紹:這個Bortolo Rinaldo家庭自1972起每年都為這所房子加添聖誕節燈飾,同時亦為Michael Cuccione Cancer foundation籌募超過$120,000.00的捐款作為經費抵抗癌症

地點:4990 Belleville Ave. Burnaby
The Dubes have decorated their home with their annual collection of festive figures and sparkling lights. The Dubes have Santa sitting in chair out front, available for photos. There's also a train on the roof and a snowman waving from the chimney. They are collecting donations for Variety - the Children's Charity.

