2015年10月31日 星期六

時代坊萬聖節Party (2015/10/31)

時代坊萬聖節 Party (2015/10/31)
地址:4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, BC, Canada

2015年10月29日 星期四

溫哥華商場的萬聖節裝飾 (2015)

Royal City Center萬聖節裝飾 (Oct 1 - Nov 1, 2015)
地址:610 - 6th St., New Westminster, BC

2015年10月28日 星期三

2015 Canada Remembrance Collector Card

2015 Canada Remembrance Collector Card

Commemorate the 100th anniversary of Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae's writing of In Flanders Fields with these three beautifully designed and finely crafted coins.
For $2.50, with free shipping, you will receive this limited-edition keepsake collector card, complete with a $2 Flanders Fields coin and two Poppy quarters (one colored and one non-colored).

Special features:
  • While supplies last! Purchase limit of 1 per customer!
  • No tax + free shipping*.
  • Collector card available for sale in Canada only.

2015年10月21日 星期三

2015 Canada Remembrance Coin Pack

2015 Canada Remembrance Coin Pack

2015 will mark the 100th anniversary of Canadian Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae's writing of In Flanders Fields. It is one of the First World War's most recognized poems and an integral part of Canadian culture.

Commemorate this anniversary with these three beautifully designed and finely crafted coins. For 5$ with free shipping, you will receive this limited-edition keepsake complete with two 2$ Flanders Fields coins and four Poppy quarters (two colored and two non-colored).

Special features:

    While supplies last! Purchase limit of 1 per customer!
    No tax + free shipping
    Coin pack available for sale in Canada only.

1 per order, 1 per household, not available in store, and available from official dealers.Exchange $5.00 for $5.00, with free shipping.

Website: http://www.mint.ca/remembrancecoins

2015年10月18日 星期日

Deer Lake Park觀賞野生水鳥 (2015/10/18)

本拿比 Deer Lake Park 觀賞野生水鳥 (2015/10/18)
地點:5435 Sperling Ave, Burnaby, BC

溫哥華Burnaby市內有兩個湖泊 Deer LakeBurnaby Lake。鹿湖 Deer Lake面積雖然較小,却包含藝術、文化與歷史中心,來到這就不要錯過Shadbolt 藝術中心和具歷史意義的Historic Hart House Restaurant 。坐落在鹿湖公園 Deer Lake Park內的本拿比村博物館﹙Burnaby Village Museum﹚,保存及展示該區20世紀早期的社會風貌。公園亦為城市提供一種寧靜的自然環境,在夏天可以租一條小船或獨木舟下水划船,或者在岸上享受日光浴。更可以觀賞到許多野生動物和野生雀鳥在湖泊周圍的森林和沼澤地區裡出沒。


2015年10月17日 星期六

溫哥華最美的賞楓地點 (2015/10/17)

溫哥華最美的賞楓地點 (2015/10/17)

